Satisfactory Academic Progress

Gadsden州立社区学院将在每学期入学结束时对学业进展进行评估. 根据联邦法规,学生必须根据在大学尝试的学时数保持一定的进步标准. 学生有责任阅读和理解与经济援助资金相关的所有政策.

Qualitative – Grade Point Average (GPA)

GPA requirements for long-term certificate and degree-seeking students

  • If the student has attempted 0-21 hours, he/she must maintain a 1.5平均绩点.
  • If the student has attempted 22-32 hours, he/she must maintain a 1.75年平均绩点.
  • If the student has attempted 33 or more hours, he/she must maintain a 2.0的绩点. 



  • If the student has attempted 0-12 hours, he/she must maintain a 1.5平均绩点.
  • If the student has attempted 13 or more hours, he/she must maintain a 2.0的绩点.


Quantitative – 速度 of Progression (速度, completion rate/percentage)


  • 如果学生已经尝试了0-21小时,他/她必须保持58%的速度.
  • 如果学生尝试了22-32小时,他/她必须保持62%的速度.
  • 如果学生已经尝试了33个或更多小时,他/她必须保持67%的速度.



  • 如果学生已经尝试了0-12小时,他/她必须保持58%的速度.
  • 如果学生已经尝试了13个或更多小时,他/她必须保持67%的速度.

Note: 速度 = Cumulative Hours Passed
                      Cumulative Hours Attempted

Additional Regulations

  • 完成本科学位课程的最长时间不超过完成学位课程所需正常时间的150%. 例如, a degree-seeking student can attend Gadsden State for three years, which is 150% of a two-year major. 未能在规定的时间内完成将导致失去FA资格. 所有尝试过的课程(包括学校接受的转学课程)都包含在最长时间计算中. A change in major or academic program does not reset the 150% timeframe.
  • 如果学生未能达到定性标准-平均绩点(GPA)和/或定量标准-令人满意的学业进步的进展速度(速度), 他/她将被给予一个警告学期,在此期间他/她将有资格获得资助.
  • If a student fails to regain good standing, 同时满足定性标准-平均绩点(GPA)和/或定量标准-进度(速度), during his/her warning semester, 他/她被置于失败的SAP状态,将没有资格继续获得援助. 
  • There is no warning semester for maximum timeframe.
  • If a student has lost eligibility, 他/她可以上诉-如果学生有减轻情节导致不成功的课程. An appeal cannot be approved for a prior term.
  • Additional information follows in regard to the treatment of repeated, 不完整的, 撤销, 破产, 原谅, and transitional (remedial) courses, as well as transfer credit, grade changes, and clock-hour programs. All college hours taken and accepted count in SAP as follows:
    • 重复的课程会被考虑到GPA、速度和最长时间框架的计算中. 此外,学生只能在联邦资助下复读成功通过的课程一次. Only one passed course counts toward graduation; therefore, the course is counted in passed hours only once, which may affect the 速度.
    • 未完成(在GPA中最初以F计算)被计入GPA, 速度, and maximum timeframe calculations.
    • 退学将不计入GPA计算,但包括在速度和最大时间框架计算中.
    • 机构接受的转学学分不计入GPA计算,但所有接受的学分都包括在进度和最大时间框架的计算中.
    • Following acceptance of transfer credits, 这些学分的正式审查将在GSCC注册的下一个学期结束时完成.
    • Periods where Academic Bankruptcy was applied are factored into the GPA, 速度, and maximum timeframe calculations.
    • 被免除的课程会被考虑到GPA、速度和最长时间框架的计算中.
    • Transitional (developmental/remedial) courses are factored into the GPA, 速度, and maximum timeframe calculations. There is a 30-hour limit on transitional courses.
    • 在前一个学期的成绩改变(不完全除外)之后, SAP is recalculated at that time.  When an Incomplete grade is updated to a final grade, 在下一次正式评估时,将其纳入SAP计算中.
    • 双招生课程的GPA、速度和最大时间框架的计算都要考虑在内.
    • ESL and Job Corp coursework will not be factored into the GPA, 速度, 或最大时间框架计算,因为这些课程不计入毕业.
    • Dropped courses during the add/drop period are not factored into GPA, 速度, or maximum timeframe calculations.
    • Each payment period, 时钟小时和教学周必须成功完成,以保持良好的SAP时钟小时计划.
    • 最终的速度成绩将根据传统的四舍五入规则进行四舍五入.g. 66.5% = 67%)

不符合SAP要求的学生有可能重新获得第四章援助的资格. Options may include a) paying for courses or b) successfully appealing.

Financial 援助 Appeal

如果学生能提供减轻情节的证明文件,则可以提交经济援助上诉.  减轻情节是指学生无法控制的情节. If a student files an appeal due to the maximum timeframe, he/she must be meeting the other two components (GPA and 速度). An appeal cannot be approved for a prior term.

学生应及时提交申诉和与申诉有关的所有文件,以确保可以在退/加期间结束时授予援助.  Submitting a Financial 援助 Appeal is NOT an automatic approval.

财政援助上诉委员会将每学期开会审议已完成的上诉.  The decision of the Appeals Committee is final. Only one appeal will be considered per semester.

委员会将通过电子邮件通知学生作出的决定. 学生 should check OneACCS Self-Service Banner for statuses.


可以为学生制定一个学术计划,作为一个机会,使学生在特定的未来时间点恢复到适当的令人满意的学术进步. 留学生转学或不按照规定的学习计划学习的,本计划可以作废. GSCC does not allow a plan to exceed maximum timeframe.

A student who is on an Academic Plan, receives an Incomplete grade, and does not meet plan requirements, will be placed into a Failing SAP Status.

At the request of the student, 如果未完成的分数被更改为合格分数,则可以重新评估计划. No plan will be reevaluated without a request from the student.

Failure to comply with these requirements, as listed on the Terms available via OneACCS Self-Service Banner, 会导致丧失资格及/或书院或教育系的欠款.

Policy Effective Fall 2020

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